justo pensaba en abrir un tema con esto, ya que me llego a mi mail un mensaje de VIPER el administrador de Age santuary , esto del parche me habia enterado hace mucho, ya que me comunico con varios del age santuary y hoy acaba de salir...
Todos, deben instalarlo.... yaque sera el futuro.... porque ES cierra....
AgeSanctuary member,
If you haven't heard yet, Ensemble Studios is closing down in early 2009. As a result, there will be no more patches for The Asian Dynasties (TAD) from Ensemble Studios. Given the strong demand for such a patch, at AgeSanctuary we took it upon ourselves to make a fan patch. The result is over 2 months' work, with plenty of balance changes, bug fixes and some new features to make TAD a more enjoyable game for all.
We are encouraging every member of the community to install and use our patch. Although we have completed Fan Patch 1.0, our work continues in balancing the game for future fan patches. In the meantime, the community's support for this first patch would be very much appreciated.
You can download TAD Fan Patch 1.0 at the following link:
[Tienes que estar registrado y conectado para ver este vínculo]Regards,
Russell 'Viper' Davey,
AgeSanctuary.com administrator
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