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Ports vs Brits on water map
I wanted to try fun ports water boom this game. First try going heavy heavy water and was failing pretty hard at start. He did good to boom and keep up pressure, not allowing me to boom. Later when cannons were added I thought I was dead but somehow stayed in. I think he quit early because water is annoying as hell to vs and he complain it lag his computer some. But overall was fun game and thought I should start posting some games.
*Not sure how to add recorded game yet so I use website...
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Ports vs Brits on water map
I wanted to try fun ports water boom this game. First try going heavy heavy water and was failing pretty hard at start. He did good to boom and keep up pressure, not allowing me to boom. Later when cannons were added I thought I was dead but somehow stayed in. I think he quit early because water is annoying as hell to vs and he complain it lag his computer some. But overall was fun game and thought I should start posting some games.
*Not sure how to add recorded game yet so I use website...
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