That's right everyone, _V_V_ Clan is proud to announce the return of Smackdown Tournaments.
As in tradition with previous Smackdown Tournaments, each tournament will last one day, most likely on a Sunday, with a predetermined set of unique rules. The first of these tournaments will begin shortly and each following tournament will occur in two week intervals, with one week of sign-ups and a check-in time prior to the beginning of the tournament. The recorded games will be posted here on AgeSanctuary and will be moderated and ran by members of the _V_V_ Clan.
A big thanks to MFO (, which ran Smackdown years ago for AoC and AgeSanctuary which ran it for AoE previously.
Sign-ups for the First Smackdown Tournament will begin shortly, with the rules being announced in the sign-up topic.
Sera algo entretenido... a ver como funciona... esten atentos para las inscripciones.
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